Hi everyone,

My name is Yancie, I’m 17 years old and from China. I have been living in Australia since June last year. I’m a professional table tennis player so I came to Australia to study and play table tennis. My cousin and his family have lived in Australia for a long time. He told me that MEGA is a famous language school in Sydney and if I want to live here, I need to immerse myself in the culture and improve my English.

I’ve been studying at MEGA since October last year. I studied with a group of students from Thailand, Vietnam and other countries. We got along very well. We talked about different cultures and we shared food (but not in class time haha).

Most importantly, we have a lovely teacher, Liza. We all like her very much. She is very patient and helps students solve problems over and over again. I think of her as a friend now.

All of my table tennis partners and friends say that my English has improved very quickly. It surprised me a lot how quickly I have improved. I used to be very nervous when talking with people who speak English but I like speaking English now! I feel good about it. The HP course is suitable for my level and I can tell that I have learnt something from our class every day.

After my MEGA class, I might go to university or to another country to play table tennis. I’m not worried because now that I can speak English, I can go anywhere by myself!