Hi! My name is Thomas. I’m 16 and I’m from China. I came to Australia on the 21st of January. It has been approximately 5 months since I started studying at MEGA. I’ve been studying in the HSP course for a long time and I feel more confident after taking it. It isn’t too easy or too difficult for me and has given me some essential knowledge. I’ve learnt way to improve my English speaking.

My teacher’s name is Liza. I’ve known her since the first of school. She is very patient when students have problems. She always praises me.

I’ve also made many friends that I travel home from school with sometimes. I live with my grandparents in Burwood. I’ve had a great time at MEGA but my time will finish soon. I am going to high school at McDonald College. It’s almost time to say goodbye to my classmates and I hope I’ll stay in touch with them.

Yitao Su – Thomas (face to face student) July 2020